Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Well I never!

I was just reading one of my favorite sites, Tomato Nation and Sars lists all those "great" books and movies she's never gotten around too and questions whether she should bother.

So my question for you is what kind of cultural things have you always planned on getting around to that you never have or just don't care to get into? So who hasn't seen Star Wars or isn't into Grey's Anatomy or Harry Potter? Being the pop culture junkie that I am, this is a tough list ...

1. I've never seen a James Bond movie. (Not in any hurry either.)
2. I must have more than 100 books that I haven't gotten around to reading.
3. I've never been to a Yankees game (even though the stadium's right there.) Actually, I've never been to any pro sport events.
4. I've never seen any of the Indiana Jones movies in full. My aunt took us to see Temple of Doom and I freaked out at the monkey brain scene and she had to take me home. Still don't want to watch those!
5. I don't like Rachael Ray.
6. I didn't understand Brave New World when I read it in high school.
7. I have never seen The Colbert Report or watched a full Daily Show.
8. I never watched Six Feet Under until this year. (Now I am hooked. This is also why I have never seen 24, Battlestar Gallactica or Alias.)
9. I love Pearl Jam, but I still can't understand what they're saying.
10. I hate Titanic.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

10 things to shake the winter blues

My friend Krista tagged me with a little challenge to come up with 10 things that make you happy and shake off those winter/post-holiday blues. And since I haven't posted a new list in a bit, I thought I'd post here! Share your lists too!

1. My pink razor phone.
2. Knowing I can go home and watch the tape of the new episode of Grey's Anatomy tonight!
3. On Demand. Love watching shows or movies whenever and not having to tape them. (Current addiction is Dexter on Showtime.)
4. Getting postcards in the mail.
5. Kisses from Kylie - my cute little niece just learned how to pucker up!
6. Seeing a lower number on the scale. I can't wait to buy some new clothes - I think I am down a size!
7. Peanut butter. I have some almost everyday.
8. Having weekends off. (After almost 9 years of working at least 1 weekend day.)
9. Coffee from Starbucks. (We have one in my town now!)
10. Hanging out with my nieces and Rocky. :)