Thursday, January 11, 2007

10 things to shake the winter blues

My friend Krista tagged me with a little challenge to come up with 10 things that make you happy and shake off those winter/post-holiday blues. And since I haven't posted a new list in a bit, I thought I'd post here! Share your lists too!

1. My pink razor phone.
2. Knowing I can go home and watch the tape of the new episode of Grey's Anatomy tonight!
3. On Demand. Love watching shows or movies whenever and not having to tape them. (Current addiction is Dexter on Showtime.)
4. Getting postcards in the mail.
5. Kisses from Kylie - my cute little niece just learned how to pucker up!
6. Seeing a lower number on the scale. I can't wait to buy some new clothes - I think I am down a size!
7. Peanut butter. I have some almost everyday.
8. Having weekends off. (After almost 9 years of working at least 1 weekend day.)
9. Coffee from Starbucks. (We have one in my town now!)
10. Hanging out with my nieces and Rocky. :)


Blogger Tracy Blankenship said...

A good one Robin!

here are no particular order

1)wrestling and playing with the boys
2)getting to scrap
3)Having someone esle do the dishes
4)wearing brighter colors (I am working on getting black to not be my dominant color)
5)hanging out with my friends
6)Eating something someone else cooked
7)taking hikes with the boys
8)watching Chase take pictures with his new camera
9)getting to watch shows that I have tivo'd.
10)date nights with Brandon

4:38 PM  
Blogger Gina said...

Mine, too, are in no particular order...
1. Playing games with my girls
2. Um...can I say "really good sex" and not offend anyone? ;) But, it's true!!!
3. A venti, decaf, non-fat, Caramel Macchiatto
4. Catching up on blogs
5. Reading a magazine
6. Soaking in a hot bath
7. A glass of Pinot Noir
8. Found money (hiding in coat pockets, jeans, etc)
9. Losing weight...always a good thing
10. A new outfit - even if it's a pair of pj's!

3:28 PM  

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