Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Summer stuff

Yikes it's been awhile!!! I keep getting ideas for new lists and then forget to write 'em down! If you have any ideas... please share!

So how about 10 things you like to do in the summer...

1. Walk into an air conditioned room after being outside in the heat
2. Go to the zoo
3. BBQs
4. Swimming in Marie's pool
5. Wear sandles
6. Listen to Springsteen
7. See all the big summer movies
8. Read books
9. Take a trip to Dairy Queen for a Blizzard
10. Going down the shore


Blogger Gina said...

1. Travel to NYC to see friends. ;)
2. When I was a kid we went to Ethel's Sno-cone House and got a shaved ice snowcone - oh those rocked!
3. Play outside in the sprinkler with the kids after dinner
4. Eat hot dogs at Minor League baseball games
5. Stay inside in the air conditioning and take a nap during the horrible heat of the afternoon
6. Go to Gulf Shores
7. Vacations - anywhere, but especially to NYC to meet friends. Oh, did I say that part already? ;)
8. Go to my parents, lay on a blanket in the shade and let the dragonflies land on me
9. Harvest from the garden at GG & GrandDaddy's house and make baby food for the baby.
10. Swimming at GG and GrandDaddy's

10:03 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

1. Play in the sprinklers
2. Make and eat popsicles
3. Drink Sun Tea
4. Wear flip flops and tank tops
5. Sit in the hammock
6. Go to the park in the wee hours of the morning before it gets hot.
7. Make the man cook (BBQ)
8. Be lazy and hang around inside
9. Go hiking the trails
10. Read books

10:44 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

1. Make sun tea
2. Go to outdoor concerts (community bands are my fav)
3. Swim...anywhere!
4. Grill out
5. Vacation Bible School
6. Road trips
7. Cedar Point (the best amusement park in the nation!)
8. Go to the German-American festival in town
9. Wear sandals (my feet get SO hot)
10. Have a water balloon fight

8:24 PM  

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