Saturday, September 02, 2006

10 fun things about summer

I can't believe summer is over! This has been a really cool one, too. I haven't enjoyed summers the last few years, but this one really felt like one. :)

Here are 10 things I enjoyed about summer! Let me know about yours too!

1. MOVIES! I saw so many movies this summer. We went almost every week. And they were all awesome!
2. Bronx Zoo. Got to go there twice.
3. The Beach. I just love the Jersey shore!
4. Digi friends. I got to see a bunch of them this summer - Jeanine, Krista, Melissa G, Melinda & Gina!
5. Entourage. Has to be one of my favorite shows ever. Season 3 just ended with a great cliffhanger.
6. Dorney Park. We had a blast there this week - although my neck has been achy all week.
7. Swimming. Loved hanging out in Marie's pool.
8. My brother's new house. So much fun to hang out there! Great yard too for bbq's.
9. Dieting. You would think summer would suck with out ice cream - but I'm not missing it!
10. Just hanging out. Did so much of it. With my sister, my nieces, friends. Mostly at home, even, but still so much fun. :)


Blogger Gina said...

1. New York City - I got to go therer in July!
2. Wicked - what an awesome show
3. Meeting online friends - including the one-and-only Robin Cabana!
4. Gallons and gallons and gallons of sweet tea (we'd go through two a day in our house!)
5. Vacation Bible School - Elizabeth got to do it for the first time and she loooooved it.
6. Preschool registration - we're growing up!
7. Swimming at GG & GrandDaddy's
8. Annie started crawling!
9. Rescue Me (love that show)
10. Visiting Ground Zero

11:48 AM  

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