Saturday, October 07, 2006

10 things that scare me!

Since I'm getting on a plane in a few days and Halloween is coming up, here are 10 things that scare or frighten me or just plain gross me out!

1. Planes
2. Fire
3. Mice
4. Ice skates
5. Trucks that speed up behind you on the highway
6. When the house is too quiet
7. Total darkness
8. Scary movies (can't watch them at all!)
9. Bugs (but not spiders for some reason)
10. Raw meat


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Spiders - oh, my, gosh!
2. The Dark
3. Waking up in the middle of the night
4. Sudden, loud noises
5. Sticking my hand in something that I can't look into first
6. Most bugs
7. Big birds
8. People jumping out from behind something
9. Scary movies - can't watch them, either, Robin!
10. That something will happen to my kids. Which is actually my *biggest* fear

12:59 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

1. Clowns, or any type of person wearing a costume. Disneyland freaks me out!
2. Spiders
3. Being outside alone after dark
4. Falling from a great height (but not heights themselves)
5. Scary movies (I can't watch them either!!!)
6. Bad drivers
7. Speaking or performing in front of more than 5 people
8. Peacocks and other large aggressive birds
9. Falling asleep in the bathtub (I won't take a bath if I'm too tired for fear of drowning)
10. The dark, especially without glasses on!

2:05 PM  
Blogger Tania said...

LOL about scary movies, my friend was marveling at my love of scary movies the other day.

1. Fire
2. Public Speaking
3. Ear wigs, ewwwwww!
4. Being alone
5. Rides that go upside down
6. Anything that makes me feel like falling
7. Getting in a car accident
8. When people honk loudly while your driving
9. Most reptiles
10. JT getting lost in a crowd, I never let go of that poor kids hand

6:15 PM  

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